SACGISA | Southern Alameda County GIS Authority
Instructions on installing/testing of the GIS MapGuide viewers and companion software

Installation Procedures       Testing Procedures

Instructions on installing the GIS MapGuide viewers and companion software
  1. Make sure that the web browser Internet Explorer is at least version 5.X, if not run the setup for Internet Explorer from the website or locally. Currently we are not supporting Netscape at this time.

    A. If an upgrade in Internet Explorer is required let the executable download and install what it needs. It will then reboot the PC.

  2. Install the following software in this order:

    A. Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Active X plug-in, use file MAPGUIDE_IE.EXE. Accept all of the defaults unless there are hard disk restrictions. This viewer allows the GIS map to be viewed in the web browser.

    B. Acrobat Reader, use file ACROBAT.EXE for all PC's. Accept all of the defaults unless there are hard disk restrictions. This allows viewing of all PDF files.

    C. Autodesk WHIP, use file WHIP4.EXE for all PC's. Accept all of the defaults unless there are hard disk restrictions. This allows viewing of all DWF files.

  3. After all of the GIS software is installed then reboot the PC.

  4. The installation process is now complete. This process should take approximately 10 minutes. This depends on the speed of the PC.

  5. Now go on to test the installation.
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Testing your installation of the GIS MapGuide viewers and companion software
  1. Start Internet Explorer and type in the following:

    A. If you are accessing from your Intranet, use http://gis/ at the web browser address bar.

    B. If you are accessing from the Internet, use at the web browser address bar.

  2. Go ahead and access the upper link to the GIS MapGuide site. You will be prompted for a user name and password. Type in the users login username and password or have them do this.
    DO NOT FORGET to check the box to Save This Password In Your Password List.

    A. If this fails, then contact helpdesk at x4800 or your agency GIS staff member.

  3. You will then see the SACGISA web site appear. If the map appear on the right side then MapGuide itself is working properly.

    A. If not, then reinstall the MapGuide Active X plug-in.

  4. Click on the binocular button to bring a search. Go to the parcel search, and type in the APN input field 501 070400402. Then click on the "Submit Search" button.

    A. Since only one record was found, the parcel searched for will automatically be displayed on the map.

  5. The parcel will be selected and centered in the map area. The left-hand report should appear with data in the table and hyperlinks to related documents.

  6. Click on the County Assessor Maps link. This will spawn a new window. Select a link in the window to view a TIFF image. The image should then appear.

    A. If not, reinstall the TIFF Image Viewer.

  7. Close the County Assessor Maps window.

  8. Click on the Multiple Addresses link. This will spawn a new window with multiple addresses. Select the link in the listing titled MAIL_EC. This will spawn a new window again to the Mailing Error Codes.

  9. Close these two windows.

  10. Click on the Tidemark CASE's link. This will spawn a new window with Tidemark CASE's. Select a CASE link from the listing. This will spawn a new window again to the specific Tidemark CASE.

  11. Close these two windows.

  12. Click on the Additional Documents link. This will spawn a new window with Additional Documents. Select a link in the window to view a TIFF image. The image should then appear.

  13. Close these two windows.

  14. The testing process is now complete.
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Web Page Last Updated on
February, 2006

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